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New report published! Timor-Leste releases seminal research on volunteerism
The Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (IPACSS) within Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL) has undertaken seminal volunteering research to capture the culture and actions of volunteerism and contribute insights to a nationwide picture of volunteerism in Timor-Leste.
Focused primarily on youth, this research will inform the development of a National Youth Volunteers Scheme led by the Ministry of Youth and Sport, Art and Culture (MYSAC). The national government was a key partner in this project, which was also supported by the Innovation Hub through our Global Volunteering Accelerator initiative.
The research delivered four key findings
- Volunteering is valued for its positive contribution to development.
- Volunteering opportunities in Dili are varied and supported, however, challenges exist in regards to female participation and futher support from government is needed.
- Volunteers highly value access to skills training and have access to reasonable health and security support services, however, there are limitations in access to transport, logistics and other equipment.
- Volunteerism in Timor-Leste spans welfare support, development efforts and disaster response.
Download a summary of the research or email timorleste@australianvolunteers.com for the full report.